A Meditation on Luke 7:36-50 - The Sinful Woman Forgiven


Broken by Lyn Deutsch

A Meditation on Luke 7:36-50
The Sinful Woman Forgiven

The sun was setting,
the dreaded hour has come.
It was time to walk the street.
I took along my alabaster jar of costly perfume,
an important work tool for a prostitute.
To smell fresh always for the next customer.

I stepped out of my house and
noticed an unusual commotion
The whisperings on the street:
“Jesus has gone to eat dinner at Simon’s house.”

The one who cleansed the leper and healed the sick?
The one who fed the crowd and taught about the Kingdom of God?
The one who said He has come to save the world from her sins?
I ran to Simon’s house at the end of the street.

Already a crowd had gathered at the entrance.
I tried squeezing through to catch a glimpse of Jesus.
But soon one in the crowd recognised me and shouted:
”You prostitute, get away!”
Immediately a chorus of condemnation followed.

I felt embarrassed and ashamed.
I withdrew and was about to walk away.
Suddenly a voice from inside called out:
“Please make a way for her, she is with me.”
The crowd became silent.

The voice repeated the request,
and parted a path in the crowd.
My eyes met Jesus’, and He said:
“Come my friend, I have been waiting for you.”

This is the first time someone waited for me.
This is the first time someone called me: “friend”.
My heart was strangely warmed, my eyes welled up.

I walked sheepishly through the crowd,
with hundred pairs of eyes staring down at me.
Jesus ushered me to stand behind Him,
as if to protect me from the unwelcoming glares.

Shame lifted, guilt dissipated. I’d found a Savior who is not ashamed of me. I wept and wet His feet,
and fell down to kiss His feet, That’s how close He let me be!

I am done with my trade,
I do not need to keep my hairdo and perfume
for my next customer.
I let down my hair to dry His feet,
and emptied my perfume to blest His feet.
I’d found a Savior who is not ashamed of me!

And Jesus said to me:
“My child, your sins are forgiven.”